Massive 17lb Museum Quality Mammoth Tooth

  • Age:
  • Location:
    North Florida
  • Size:
    12 1/2 in
  • Species:
    Mammuthus columbi

This is an absolutely massive and incredibly heavy mammoth tooth. This is one of the finest, not to mention the largest, mammoth tooth that we have ever offered for sale. It weighs in at a whopping 17lbs 0.3oz. It is in positively incredible condition with many of the very fragile roots still intact. Roots on mammoth teeth are virtually never seen, especially on a tooth of this size. The occlusal (chewing surface) is fully intact and incredibly detailed with beautiful blue enamel colors. Pictures do the size and quality of this specimen absolutely no justice. Mammoth teeth simply don't come any finer than this specimen. Incredible, museum quality tooth.