Massive Jaguar Canine with Blue Enamel and Cream Root

  • Age:
  • Location:
    North Florida
  • Size:
    2 7/8 in
  • Species:
    Panthera onca

This is an absolutely incredible jaguar canine that has been in our personal collection for quite some time. The colors on this specimen are absolutely exceptional, second to none. It has ultra glossy blue/green enamel colors that are contrasted by a very unique cream colored root. This specimen is from a massive cat as evidenced by the very robust root; likely a male individual. This is one fossil that we truly will not be disappointed if it doesn't sell. If it doesn't sell quickly, it will go right back into our collection. Jaguars were the apex predators of the late Pleistocene, rivaled by only saber cats. This specimen is from the now famous Marion Co. sinkhole site. Teeth with this size, quality, and aesthetic appeal simply are never offered for sale.